Martial Arts classes

Attending Martial Arts classes or self-defence lessons is empowering. It helps you feel safe and secure, whilst giving you confidence and improved self esteem. Everyone deserves that!

Hapkido, Kinetic Fighting – Integrated Combat (KEF–IC), Jissen Budo and Self-Defence

Centenary Martial Arts (CMA) is an Asia Pacific Self Defence school (APSD), owned and operated by an Australian Army veteran with 36 years service. We deliver Martial Arts classes and Self Defence. The primary Martial Art taught at CMA is Hapkido, a Korean combat martial art.

We also teach Kinetic Fighting – Integrated Combat (KEF–IC) and Jissen Budo. Everything we teach can be delivered in a Small Group or Individual ‘one on one’ training.

Martial Arts classes


Hapkido is a Korean Martial Art, considered a combat martial art and excellent for self defence.


KEF-IC is set to become a major competitor to Krav Maga. KEF–IC is the civilian equivalent to the Australian Army Combative Program (ACP).

Martial Arts classes
Martial Arts classes

Jissen Budo

Jissen Budo International (JBI) is a standard-bearer in the training and assessment of martial arts skills, designed for real combat.  As an association of practically-minded and committed budoka, Jissen Budo provides assistance, recognition and skill-sharing opportunities to martial artists across Australia and Internationally.

As a JBI school, we will prepare students for their Black belt grading attempt, as well as offering a coloured belt grading system all the way to black.

Self Defence

We also run self-defence courses on request. Recently we went into partnership with the Centenary Community Connections to deliver FREE self-defence courses throughout the year.

Classes without the formalities

As with all APSD schools, our Martial Arts classes are relaxed, fun and without the formalities of traditional Martial Art schools. Our experience has shown that less formal classes achieve better results, keep students better engaged, helps raise self-esteem and confidence. We also find that the students are more inclined to take control of their own development and focus on what needs work, not what the instructor dictates.

Member of Martial Arts Australia – Certified Instructor School

Centenary Martial Arts, as an APSD school, is a member of Martial Arts Australia (MMA). MMA is a peak industry body for Martial Arts in Australia. Through MMA, CMA is a certified instructor school and therefore, must adhere to an industry code of practice and ethics of business. We are also committed to continuous quality improvement.

Chief instructor is a long serving Army Veteran

Our Chief Instructor is an Australian Regular Army of 36 years, who is passionate about self-defence and Martial Arts. Consequently, you won’t just learn a Martial Art or do a Self-Defence course, you will truly learn how to defend yourself and loved ones.

Centenary Martial Arts wants to give back!

CMA strives to build the school culture around that concept of mateship. We also love to give back to the community and those around us who make sacrifices for our benefit. That’s why we offer discounts to Veterans, serving ADF members, firefighters, paramedics, ambulance workers, police and their families. In partnership with Centenary Community Connections, we also run free self-defence courses for the local community, continually throughout the year.

Discounts to Veterans and serving ADF members

If you are an Australian veteran or serving member of the ADF, get 20% off, on top of all other offers. If your parent, guardian, spouse or partner is deployed overseas on operations, train with us for free until they return. Its our way of saying thanks and making the time go quick. Plus you will have some new skills to showcase when they get home.

Discount to Paramedics, Ambulance workers, Police, Firefighters and their families

If you are a paramedic, ambulance worker, police or firefighter, get 20% off, on top of all other offers. That also applies to your children and partner.

What Hapkido classes and Self Defence courses do we run?

We run Hapkido classes and Self-Defence courses for 6yo and up. We can even organise one on one classes and small group classes if you wish. The Hapkido classes are for:
Adults – 17 and above;
Teenagers – 13 to 16;
Falcons – 9 to 12: and
Wallabies – 6 to 8.

If you want to learn Hapkido, KEF–IC or Jissen Budo, join us and get a great discount!